Our Mission

We take pride in creating custom plans that fit around your daily life and goals. By taking the guesswork out of going to the gym, what muscles to work and how much weight to use, the process of being consistent is increased significantly which in the long run leads to the results you want.

Our Story

PPT was formed and created off the passion we have for exercise and staying in shape.

After years of working for different people, in different gyms and even in different states, we've come to the conclusion that not only can we do this ourselves, but we can take our expertise to the next level.

By bringing the workout to YOU, no matter where you are. No matter what your goal is, we track it and adjust accordingly to make sure we are always on the right path. We have a plan for you and every exercise is done with a reason behind it.

What Sets Us Apart

Premier Performance Training (PPT) was born out of our deep passion for exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Having worked in various gyms and states, we realized that not only could we excel on our own, but we could elevate our expertise to new heights. Our unique approach brings the workout directly to YOU, wherever you are.

We Are Your Perfect Fitness Partner

Personalized Progress Monitoring

Whether your goal is strength, endurance, or overall fitness, we track your journey and provide tailored guidance to keep you on the premier path to reaching your peak.

Passion-Driven Expertise

Our commitment is not just a job – it's a lifestyle, and we bring that dedication to every workout.

Tailored Plans for Every Goal

Every exercise is thoughtfully selected with a purpose, ensuring that your journey with PPT is not just about effort but about strategic, results-driven workouts.

Meet The Founders

Dylan Galante

About Dylan

Tommy Powers

About Tommy

Elevate Your Fitness Experience with Premier Performance Training

Tailored Programs, Expert Guidance, and Personalized Nutrition for Optimal Results

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Reach out to Premier Performance Training and take the first step towards a stronger, healthier you. Your personalized fitness revolution starts here.

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